Supporting Pennsylvania
to Reduce Recidivism

Community behavioral change treatment programs delivered to match participants’ risk and needs.

A secure environment that provides transitional housing, treatment and community links for former inmates.

Programs that reduce jail crowding, maintain accountability, and offer early treatment interventions.

Beginning the process of behavior change is smart, cost-effective and a bridge to community transition.

Reentry Services
We partner with community corrections agencies to develop recidivism reduction programs that help strengthen communities. In addition to hiring locally and training staff in What Works in criminal justice, our centers develop extensive networks of nonprofit and community-based service providers to link participants to other critical services that increase stabilization and engagement.
Resources for Justice-involved Individuals
As a way to give back to the community and provide assistance to individuals nearing the end of their sentence and post-release, GEO Care developed a website that offers a suite of valuable resources and tools. is the first comprehensive post-release website for reentrants nationwide. The site provides access to 25,000+ resources, a reentry checklist, and employment, education and vocational tools, all at no cost.