GEO Reentry Services is pleased to support our partners at the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) to celebrate Pretrial, Probation, and Parole Supervision Week, being marked from July 19 through July 25.
Today in America, there are over 5 million adults on community supervision, and most of these individuals are monitored by pretrial, probation, and parole officers. Monitoring may take the form of home contacts, drug testing, making sure the offender attends counseling sessions and helping offenders to find suitable housing and employment. Many officers also supervise offenders using electronic monitoring equipment which requires expert knowledge of newer technologies.
Members of our community are encouraged to join together during Pretrial, Probation, Parole Supervision Week to honor those who work to make our communities a safer place to live. Faced with unprecedented times during the worldwide pandemic, these officers have proven their commitment to their communities by successfully adapting to a new virtual environment. As we navigate through the uncertainties in the future, we are proud to provide innovative programs, tools and solutions that support the officers tasked with providing community public safety. We appreciate all that they do for our communities and would like to say ‘Thank You’!
Get more information about Pretrial, Probation, and Parole Supervision Week.